Yes...everyone wants to get the most that they possibly can from the sale of their home or property. I get it. BUT... it really is critical that you price it properly. Do we as Realtors want you to price it cheaply so we can can make a fast sale, get our commission and get outta Dodge? No, (the good ones don't). EVER
What we want you to get is the best return that the market warrants. Here's why...When you price your property out of line with where the market is at the present time, 5 things happen
Your property immediately looks out of line with comparable properties. Prospective purchasers go... "hmmm, what's so great about THIS one". When they realize there really isn't anything to justify the high price, they giggle and move on. BUYERS DO THEIR RESEARCH these days. Now you've lost them, when they very well may have been bonafide purchasers of your home
You make comparable properties MORE appealing!
Your home now sits. And sits. And sits
You skew the local market. Now, Betty Anne, down the street, is ready to list her home and sees what you are charging. Human nature (and especially greed) kick in and she says..."well, our place is much nicer than the Timpkin's! "We're going to up the price from what we originally had planned" So, guess what; her house sits. And sits. And sits as well.
You will very likely miss out on the house you are intending to purchase when yours sells. Ya, that one - the house you never imagined you would ever find. The one you are desperately wanting to make an offer on as soon as yours sells.
At the end of the day, the only winners are those that priced their homes properly. They've sold, moved out and moved on while you sit, upset at your Realtor, while he or she suggests you should consider a price reduction. Honestly, we have so many tools to help you feel comfortable as to where your house should be priced in the marketplace. Don't price your home too high!
Make use of us, our experience and the tools we have.
